Publications & Presentations
- Identifying Sources and Quantifying Differences in E. coli Occurrence in Soils from Unimpacted Catchments with Varying Landuse
- Assessing Impacts of Nutrient Loading on Culturable E. coli in Re-created Natural Stream Mesocosms
- Occurrence and Fate of E. coli from Various Non-point Sources in a Subtropical Watershed
- Growth Kinetics of Wildlife E. coli Isolates in Soil and Water
- Fate and transport of E. coli in rural Texas streams & landscapes
This presentation was given by Dr. Saqib Mukhtar at the Texas Watershed Coordinator Roundtable in Austin Texas on July 27, 2011 - Beating bacteria
tx H2O, Winter 2010 - The battle of bacteria
tx H2O, Special Edition 2010 - Fate and Transport of E. coli in Rural Texas Landscapes and Streams
Presented by Lucas Gregory, Red River Authority Basin Advisory Committee Meeting (4/1/2008) and Watershed Coordination Steering Committee Meeting, Columbus(3/6/2008) - Project fact sheet